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Creating a chess game

DeNarO 2023. 1. 19. 15:01

1. Using python-chess library

Creating a chess game using Python is a complex task that requires a good understanding of the game's rules and a lot of programming experience. Here is an example of a simple chess game using the python-chess library:

import chess
import chess.svg

board = chess.Board()

while not board.is_game_over():
    move = input("Enter your move (e.g. e2e4): ")
    if board.is_checkmate():
        print("Checkmate! You lose.")

This script initializes an empty chess board, displays it to the user, and then enters a loop that allows the user to make moves by entering them in standard algebraic notation (SAN). After each move, the script updates the board and checks if the game is over.

This is a very simple example and you can add more functionality like check for check, check for stalemate, check for draw and more advance functionality. The python-chess library provides a lot of functionality that can be used to create a more advanced chess game.

Also, keep in mind that creating a full-fledged chess game with a GUI, AI, and all the features of a standard chess game is a very complex task and requires a lot of time and experience.

2. Without using python-chess library


Creating a chess game without using any pre-existing libraries is a complex task that would require a significant amount of time and effort. Here is an example of a simple chess game using only built-in Python modules:

class ChessPiece():
    def __init__(self, piece_type, color, position):
        self.piece_type = piece_type
        self.color = color
        self.position = position
    def move(self, new_position):
        self.position = new_position
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.color} {self.piece_type} at {self.position}"

class ChessBoard():
    def __init__(self):
        self.board = {}

    def populate_board(self):
        self.board["a1"] = ChessPiece("rook", "white", "a1")
        self.board["b1"] = ChessPiece("knight", "white", "b1")
        self.board["c1"] = ChessPiece("bishop", "white", "c1")
        self.board["d1"] = ChessPiece("queen", "white", "d1")
        self.board["e1"] = ChessPiece("king", "white", "e1")
        self.board["f1"] = ChessPiece("bishop", "white", "f1")
        self.board["g1"] = ChessPiece("knight", "white", "g1")
        self.board["h1"] = ChessPiece("rook", "white", "h1")

        self.board["a2"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "white", "a2")
        self.board["b2"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "white", "b2")
        self.board["c2"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "white", "c2")
        self.board["d2"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "white", "d2")
        self.board["e2"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "white", "e2")
        self.board["f2"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "white", "f2")
        self.board["g2"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "white", "g2")
        self.board["h2"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "white", "h2")

        self.board["a8"] = ChessPiece("rook", "black", "a8")
        self.board["b8"] = ChessPiece("knight", "black", "b8")
        self.board["c8"] = ChessPiece("bishop", "black", "c8")
        self.board["d8"] = ChessPiece("queen", "black", "d8")
        self.board["e8"] = ChessPiece("king", "black", "e8")
        self.board["f8"] = ChessPiece("bishop", "black", "f8")
        self.board["g8"] = ChessPiece("knight", "black", "g8")
        self.board["h8"] = ChessPiece("rook", "black", "h8")


Me : keep making codes after (above code) (using control+c)

Keep going...

        self.board["a7"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "black", "a7")
        self.board["b7"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "black", "b7")
        self.board["c7"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "black", "c7")
        self.board["d7"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "black", "d7")
        self.board["e7"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "black", "e7")
        self.board["f7"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "black", "f7")
        self.board["g7"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "black", "g7")
        self.board["h7"] = ChessPiece("pawn", "black", "h7")
    def move_piece(self,start,end):
        if start in self.board:
            piece = self.board[start]
            del self.board[start]
            if end in self.board:
                captured_piece = self.board[end]
                del self.board[end]

2. Feedback process after each turn in a chess game


2.1 Here's an example of a Python script that implements a feedback process after each turn in a chess game:


class ChessGame():
    def __init__(self):
        self.board = ChessBoard()
        self.turn = "white"

    def play_game(self):
        while not self.is_game_over():

    def play_turn(self):
        start = input(f"{self.turn}, enter the position of the piece you want to move: ")
        end = input(f"{self.turn}, enter the position you want to move the piece to: ")
        self.board.move_piece(start, end)
        self.turn = "black" if self.turn == "white" else "white"

    def get_feedback(self):
        feedback = input("Enter feedback for the last move (good/bad): ")
        if feedback == "good":
            print("Great move! Keep it up.")
        elif feedback == "bad":
            print("Try to think more before making your next move.")
            print("Invalid feedback.")

    def is_game_over(self):
        # check for checkmate or stalemate

game = ChessGame()

This script uses the ChessBoard class defined earlier to create a chess game object and a play_game() method that runs the game. It implements a turn-based game loop, where each player enters their moves and receives feedback on their play. Keep in mind that this script is just an example and you can add more functionality like check for check, check for stalemate, check for draw and more advance functionality.



2.2 Here is an example of a Python script that allows players to provide feedback on their chess game moves:

class ChessGame():
    def __init__(self):
        self.board = ChessBoard()
        self.turn = 0
        self.feedback = []

    def play(self):
        while not self.board.is_game_over():
            move = input("Enter your move (e.g. e2e4): ")
            self.turn += 1
            feedback = input(f"Turn {self.turn}: How was your move? (good/bad/average): ")
            self.feedback.append((self.turn, move, feedback))
            print(f"Thanks for your feedback: {feedback}")
    def get_feedback(self):
        return self.feedback

game = ChessGame()

This script creates a chess game object and enters a loop that allows the user to make moves and provide feedback on the move. After each move, the script adds the turn number, move, and feedback to a list. You can add more advanced functionality like check for check, check for stalemate, check for draw and more advance functionality. You can also add more functionality to the feedback process, for example, you can add a rating system for the feedback and keep track of the players' feedback history.

Also, keep in mind that creating a full-fledged chess game with a GUI, AI, and all the features of a standard chess game is a very complex task and requires a lot of time and experience.


Advanced functuality-check

1. check for check

2. check for stalemate

3. check for draw

Advanced functuality-feedback

1. rating system for the feedback

2. keep track of the player's feedback history